How Often Should I Blog To Make Money: 7 Things To Consider In 2023
If you’re new to blogging, you may be wondering how often should I blog to make money. You’ve probably seen some advice to blog every day, but will that be enough, and do you have the time to do it?
Although you may have plenty of ideas for articles to write and may have a rough idea of when to publish them, how many is enough?
Is it weekly or monthly? Is publishing articles all that’s needed to start making money?
All these questions may leave you feeling completely overwhelmed and uncertain.
Well, look no further because we’ve got what you need to know! Let’s take a look at 7 factors to consider when thinking about how often you should blog to make money.

How Often Should I Blog To Make Money: 7 Things To Consider
A quick answer:
For your blog to be successful, two to four times per week is the best way to see increased traction from your content. What this looks like is about 11 to 16 posts a month.
How you do this will depend on how much time and capacity you have to post, but this is a good number to aim for to be a successful blog.
Having said that, once you have built up a solid bank of content i.e. more than 100 posts, you can scale back and post less.
Instead you can focus on updating the old posts to get more traffic.
Do the hard work now so you can relax later!
If you’re short on time, here is a quick look at the factors to take into account:
1. Understand The Goals For Your Site
2. Look At Your Current Content
3. Track Your Traffic Channels
4. Understand Your Audience
5. Experiment With Frequency
6. Understand Your Revenue Strategy
7. Look At Your Time And Capacity
DISCLAIMER.This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you.
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1. Understand The Goals For Your Site
When you’re wondering how often should you blog for business growth, the first thing to understand is your site goals.
Is your primary goal for your site to earn your main source of income?
If so, your goals for your site will be different from someone who is doing it as a side hustle.
This is because someone doing it as a side hustle isn’t 100% reliant on the money coming in from their site.
They also may not have as much time to dedicate to their site. These are all things that matter when deciding how often you should blog to make money.
The goals for your site may also depend on the outcome you’re after, outside of just making money.
If your site is related to a product you’re selling, then some goals for your site could include:
1. Capturing leads: this could mean filling out contact forms, email lists, visiting your bricks and mortar store, or a simple call to action to call your business line.
2. Converting leads: this is where you’re channelling customers to online purchases, donations, or to sign up as a subscriber.
3. Informing your audience: when you need to explain your services or provide more information about a topic.
If your site isn’t related to a product, then your goals could include:
1. Gaining a passive income
2. Building your brand in a sector, you’re passionate about
3. To meet like-minded people who are interested in the content you publish.
The way you make money from your blog, whether it’s selling a product or meeting like-minded people, will differ based on your goals because your audience is different.
You can have more than one goal, but it’s essential to understand what they are in the first place as it helps root the reasons as to why you are writing.
2. Look At Your Current Content
If you’ve already written some content, looking at what you have will help you understand what content does well and what doesn’t.
If you’re wondering “how often should I blog to make money,” it all comes down to the content you publish.
Have you published your content once a month or once a day? Is your content 500 words or longer? Is your content evergreen? Will it stand the test of time and last for years to come?
Have you written content that’s specific to your niche? Or is it a mish-mash of random topics?
A niche is a specific area where you focus the subject of your blog.
By having one for your blog, readers will build an association with your site – which improves your chances of being the place they come looking for when they need advice on a topic.
If you haven’t picked a niche yet, this should be where you focus your efforts before looking at monetization.
How a blog makes money will come down to the quality of the content and expertise. If you aren’t certain which area to niche down one, find a profitable niche for your blog right here!
A profitable blog where you’ll be able to write quality content should fit these three criteria:
1. It’s something you’re skilled at and interested in. It is always easier to write content for an area you already know about or is something you’re interested in. Writing your content won’t feel like a chore if you’re genuinely interested in it.
2. Low in competition. Pick an area that’s not saturated. And if you are in an area that’s already saturated – like health and wellness, think about ways to stand out. For example, health and wellness for women of color.
3. Monetization potential. Does the niche you’re writing in have monetization potential? Look for these opportunities. Are there affiliate programs that you can link to?
Are there companies that would want to advertise on your site? Picking something obscure will affect your monetization potential, so be careful when choosing a niche.
Consider the quality of your content and your niche when considering “do blogs really make money” because this will affect how much money you’ll make in the long term.
3. Track Your Traffic Channels
There are two main traffic channels for blog content :
- search engines and
- social media.
When you think about how you’re promoting your content, search engines will help your content gain more viewers and be more stable in the long term.
In terms of social media, research has found that the average lifespan of posts is less than a day.
If you have evergreen content that you’re pushing to your social networks when it first goes live, you won’t have many views over the long term.
When it comes to SEO, the question of “how often should I blog for SEO” will depend on the traffic of your channel? You need to boost it with SEO-optimized content to secure that coveted featured content spot on Google.
If you want to learn more about how to optimize your content using SEO, check out SEO blog post training course.
If you’re not sure how to track your traffic channels – the easiest thing would be to set up a Google Analytics account. This will give you an excellent overview of where the traffic on your site is coming from.
Your social media channels will have different reporting features on their own. Learn how to use them, as having this understanding will help you level up your blog.

4. Understand Your Audience
The best way to answer “how often do you have to blog to make money” would be to ask the people who would contribute to making your blog lucrative. Your audience! Who is reading your blog, what are they doing on your site, and do they engage with your content on your social channels?
If you start changing how often you blog to be successful, your audience might notice, and you want them to be happy with the differences instead of losing them.
So what can you do? Well, ask them, of course!
If you have a subscriber list, use that to reach out to your readers to ask them what they’d like to see.
Alternatively, you can do what I do and carry out a quick poll on Instagram to find out what exactly your readers need.
Once you know what your readers want, you can be confident that the changes you make will be positive.
5. Experiment With Frequency
How often should you blog to be successful all comes down to your content and the frequency. Are you posting once a week, once a month, or once a year? It all matters.
Research has found that bloggers who publish more often are more successful.
But what does “more often” mean? The research shows that those who post two to six times a week are most likely to deliver strong results, which means more money!
Hubspot recommends posting different-sized content per week to capture different audiences.
So small articles three to four times a week will capture readers’ attention who are short on time, while longer articles posted four to five times a week are for readers with more time and who want a more in-depth article about the topic they’re after.
That may seem like a lot. But we’ll talk more about your time and capacity later in this article.
6. Understand Your Revenue Strategy
We’re here to understand how long before a blog becomes profitable, and what that means is you need to understand your revenue strategy. With the right revenue strategy, your blog could support your business financially.
Once again we need to deal with the question of whether your blog drives your readers to buy a product or sign up for a service?
These are all ways to grow your revenue, and being smart about how you do this on your blog will help you reap the rewards.
When looking at how to make money out of blogging, your revenue strategy needs to be closely tied to your content strategy. This can help you make sure that the content you’re writing is related to your selling product.
For example, if the product you’re selling is in the health and wellness space, but you’re writing content about cryptocurrency, your readers aren’t exactly going to be going to buy your product.
This comes back to what we were saying about niches. Make sure you focus your content on your niche. It can be tempting to start writing content unrelated to your niche (and product) to get a higher search ranking. But stay strong! Write what you know, and it’ll pay in the long run.
The next way to understand your revenue strategy would be to understand your overall buyers’ journey. What are you looking for your readers to do? Again this comes back to our first step, which is understanding the goals for your site.
With this in mind, some revenue strategies could include selling online webinars, using affiliate links, or offering paid subscriptions.
There are many ways to boost your blog revenue, but you first need to understand your strategy. Without one, you won’t have much direction and won’t be able to scale in the long run.
7. Look At Your Time And Capacity
Finally, all ways to make money from blogging will come down to how much time and capacity you have.
If you’re working an 80-hour week and are already burning the midnight oil, you may not be able to find an extra three hours to churn out two articles a day.
So how much time do you have? Do you have enough time to put towards your blog against all your other life responsibilities?
If you’re unsure, pull out a calendar, broken down by time slots, and put in all the things you currently have to do. Once done, look at where you can block out chunks of time to contribute to your blog.
What does that look like? Does that leave much time for you to relax and catch up with friends? You don’t want to work 24/7 – because that’ll undoubtedly lead to burnout.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Should You Blog To Be Successful?
For your blog to be successful, two to four times per week is the best way to see increased traction from your content. What this looks like is about 11 to 16 posts a month. How you do this will depend on how much time and capacity you have to post, but this is a good number to aim for to be a successful blog.
How Long Before A Blog Is Profitable?
We’ve been answering how often should I blog, but how long before a blog is profitable? Most bloggers start earning after 6-12 months after starting. This comes down to the time and effort you’re able and willing to put in.
How Many Views On Your Blog Do You Need To Make Money?
You will need around 100,000 monthly views on your blog to make money. Remember, page views aren’t the only way to make money from your blog.
Think about selling courses or using affiliate links. These can all contribute to making money on your blog, especially in your early days.
How Often Should I Post On My Blog As A Beginner?
If you’re new to blog writing, aim to blog two to four times per week. To answer the question of how do I blog and make money, the more you can do, the better, as it’s the best way to see increased traction from your content.
Now that you understand how often should I blog to make money, you need to get down to it. These seven ways will help you in the long term, so spend time working through them.
If you don’t understand your site’s goals, niche, audience, and revenue strategy, you won’t be able to figure out how much content you need to publish.
As a new blogger, the blogging world can seem like a whirlwind, so working through these steps will help you keep a clear head. After all, it would help if you started writing content to reap the lucrative benefits.