37 Back To School Blog Posts That Will Skyrocket Your Traffic! [2023]
Finding ideas to write on back to school blog posts?
Some of the most popular search terms for August and September are for back to school content ideas.
It’s always good to get a head start on your blog ideas for college students, high school or middle school students, and the likes well in advance.
Some people are searching for ideas to prepare to get back to school for their back to school blog
Some need back to school tips, some want help with lesson plans, or there are even those who are already back in school, but still aren’t quite done with the holidays just yet and just need some pick-me-up.
Whether you’re looking to lift up the spirits of students who are returning to school, motivate educators for another challenging yet satisfying year, or just drive higher trafiic, I’ve got just the right back to school blog posts ideas for you!
By the way, if you want to know how to find hundreds of low competition topics to get you thousands of visitors from Google. This will help!
You can finally master SEO once and for all and get that sweet (FREE) Google traffic for years. I went from getting 7,000 pageviews in a month to nearly 100,000 pageviews in 7 months, using these EXACT strategies!

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This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you.
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Back To School Blog Posts: Making The Most of The Last Days of Summer
You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who’s excited to “get back to business” after a whole summer! I know I’d still be wishing for lazy mornings and a tonne of playtime!
So let’s help everyone out here.
1. How To Recover From Summer Slump
2. Best Of Summer Reads Before School Starts
3. What It’s Like To Be A Teacher At The End Of Summer
4. Summer Bucket List For Families
5. Self-Care Tips Before The School Year Starts

Back To School Blog Posts: Back To School Tips
When kids are getting ready to return to school, there are a lot of things to remember, and you can give parents all the information they require in one place.
6. Checklist For School Purchases
7. How To Adjust Bedtime Routines For School
8. What To Do On The First Day Of School
9. 21 Great First Day Of School Reads
10. 9 Things To Keep In Mind On The First Day Of School
11. 11 Cooperative Learning Activities To Do On The First Day Of School

Back To School Blog Posts: School Lunch Ideas
Does your kid take lunch to school? Many parents give their kids takeaway boxes for lunch. So posts surrounding this topic will be welcomed as they try to cut cute veggies into bento boxes!
12. 101 Easy To Make School Lunch
13. 51 Recipes You Can Make And Freeze
14. 21 Vegan Recipes Your Kids Will Love
15. Substitutes For Most Food Allergy List
16. Cute Lunch Note Ideas

Back To School Blog Posts: PTA
The Parent Teacher Association is an important part of schools. A lot of planning and decision takes place here -sometimes, it does get a little tense! As parents try to log another meeting in their planner, these ideas will help them move along.
17. Are Dress Codes Still Necessary In This Day And Age?
18. Coed Bathrooms – Yay Or Nay?
19. How To Be More Inclusive Towards All Genders, Sexuality, And Religion
20. 11 Things Parents Might Worry About This Start Of School – And How To Tackle Them
21. How To Help Kids Be More Engaged In School

Back To School Blog Posts: School Sports Activities
Ah, school sports! The practice, the uniforms, the sports days, and so much more. These things take so much time and energy that some people don’t realize what they were getting into! These post ideas will help them out.
22. Spotlight On Shcool Traditions
23. 11 Places To Get Sporting Goods On A Budget
24. The Most Popular Sports In School
25. Planning Your Schedule Around Your Kids Schedule
26. How To Help Your Kids Select A Sports To Engage In

Back To School Blog Posts: Navigating Technology
According to The New York Times, 20% of district administrators in their school system had already started an online school, were planning to start one or was considering doing so as a post-pandemic offering. And we see the same pattern worldwide.
This means students and teachers alike need to stay equipped with the latest in technology, and you can write posts about it.
27. 15 Best Laptops For Students
28. Zoom 101: How To Conduct Online Lessons
29. How To Beat “Zoom Fatigue”
30. 23 Ways To Make Online Learning More Effective
31. 9 Ways To Make Lessons Fun And Engaging In An Online Class
32. 15 Best Ergonomic Laptop And Desk Equipment

Back To School Blog Posts: Back To School Motivation
Oprah Winfrey said, “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” Now, this is the kind of motivation that you could provide in your posts!
33. How To Start The Year On A Bang
34. Setting Goals For A Fantastic School Year
35. 51 Inspirational Quotes About Getting An Education
36. What Does The First Day Of School Look Like Around The World
37. List Of Holidays This School Year

Why Write Back To School Blog Posts
A new class (or classes) full of new students and new parents may make the start of the school year seem a little frantic and intimidating.
However, since parents experience anxiety as well, sending writing posts on how to manage the back-to-school stress will ease their concerns.
The same goes for children and teachers. Your posts can and will help everyone feel better about entering yet another new chapter of their lives.
At the same time, writing back to school blog posts are a great way to boost your blog traffic! Writing and publishing multiple articles on this will help increase your traffic as they are in demand, being seasonal content.
“What is seasonal content”?
To put it simply, seasonal content is when the content is based on a specific season, upcoming holiday, or major event. In this case, yours would be back to school season.

Before and during back to school season, people will be looking at back to school posts. And since this happens every year, you have seasonal content!
The best part of it is that you don’t have to change much of your content to keep it fresh as the same things will always be relevant.
Just remember to post your content earlier to give it time to rank on the search engines. You should be aware, though, that your content won’t rank right away and that you probably won’t start getting more traffic until the following year.
But, with the proper SEO training, you might be able to surpass more experienced content and rank on the first page even in your first year.
What Makes A Good Blog Post
One of the first things I get asked about is “what makes a good blog post”?
Most times, they come from people new at trying their hand at blogging. But sometimes, someone with a little more experience might wonder, too, after they’ve been at it for some time without the outcome that they want.
Don’t get me wrong – these questions are good! Never give up or feel like a failure just cos things don’t work out the way you wanted – I talk about it a little towards the end of this podcast interview.
Back on topic, here’s what makes a good blog post:
1. Target Audience
You have to know who you’re writing for. Say now we’re writing back-to-school posts; who are your regular audience? What age group are they? Are they more likely to be students or parents?
Knowing who your target audience is will help you write better content as you will be able to tailor the message to them.
2. Powerful Headline
A powerful headline draws readers to your blog and increases the number of views for your posts. It needs to tell the main points clearly, so people will be interested in clicking on them.
If this post was simply called “back to school posts,” you likely would not have clicked as it was too general, and you couldn’t tell what it was going to be about.
Instead, I have a headline that tells you what the content will be about and the effect that comes from it.
3. Great Visuals
Imagine if this post was text only (insert horrified face here)! I wouldn’t have been offended if you bounced in 3 seconds, heck, I would bounce too!
Visuals create a nice break from all the text – just be sure to choose pictures that are your own or from free sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels.
4. Length
Okay, this is a hot topic for all bloggers. You will find people claiming the perfect length of a blog to be anywhere between 1,000 to 3,000 words.
Honestly, as long as you have content you want to write for your audience in that blog, just write. Imagine limiting yourself to a specific amount of words when you, in fact, have more information to write about!

5. Easy To Read
People read blogs to get information or for entertainment. Either way, it should be an easy task to do.
Long sentences and overly complicated words (like if I had used “convoluted” instead of “complicated” here) are not welcomed! Write in simple, clear language.
A few best practices are:
- Write short sentences
- Write short paragraphs (no more than 4 lines per paragraph)
- Use bulleted or numbered lists where possible (like this!)
- Use simple English
6. Linked internally
In Google’s webmaster guide where they list the general guidelines for Google to find, index, and rank you, they list internal linking at the top.
All pages on your site need to be reached from a link from another findable link. But don’t just do this for the sake of doing it. Link only relevant content that will be helpful to your readers.
7. SEO Optimized
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Simply put, it’s what comes up when you type a search in Google.
We want to be on the first page, always on the page. Because when was the last time you clicked on page 2 of the search, if ever? You know there’s even a saying, “the best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google search results”!
If you don’t know about SEO, these will help you:
- 13 Best SEO Course for Bloggers in 2022 (Tried and Tested!)
- How To Get Thousands of Visitors to A New Site With SEO!
FAQs on Back To School Blog Posts
What Should I Post On My School Blog?
Blog post ideas that are useful (and shareable):
- A Welcome Message From The School
- Back To School Tips
- Checklists For Chores And House-Work
- Easy Recipes For Lunch
- Fixing Issues At Home
- How To Tackle Homework
- Informational Interviews With The School Board
- Student Success Stories
How Do I Start A Blog Post For School?
There are 5 key steps for starting a school blog:
1. Identify your audience. Know who you are writing for.
2. Create a content development strategy. Consistency is the key to a successful blog.
3. Create content.
4. Build an editorial calendar and schedule your posts.
5. Launch your blog!
What Are School Blogs?
Basically, what are school blogs? A school blog is a blog created for educational purposes. They serve as learning archives and enhance teacher and student learning through self- and other-reflection, teamwork, and contexts for higher-order thinking.
What Can I Blog About As A Student?
Wondering “what can I blog about as a student”? If you’re looking to go down this road, consider making different playlists for studying, homecoming, graduation, etc.
More Ideas:
- Advice For Move-In Day
- Life As A Part-Time Student
- Sample Semester Schedule
- Best Study Spots On Campus
- Day In The Life
- Life As A Night Student
Time To Write!
The weeks leading up to the start of the school year can get a little stressful.
I hope my 37 suggestions help elevate some of that stress, and you’re full of new back to school blog posts ideas for your blogs!
If you’re writing back to school blog posts to drive traffic, you’ll be pleased to know that back to school blog posts are evergreen. Every year, people will be searching for content around this, so your back to school blog ideas are hardly ever out-of-date 🙂
Whether you’re writing a blog about school life, blog topics for high school students, or college students, you’ll always have blog topics that are searched for.
Which ideas do you think will excite your readers?
Can you think of more blog topic ideas for students, blog post ideas for college students, or back to school blog post ideas to add to this list? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Let me know in the comments below!
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