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How To Become a Virtual Assistant For Coaches?

Are you on the lookout for a virtual assistant for coaches?

A virtual assistant is essentially an independent worker who offers various kinds of services to companies, businesses, and professionals.

The main reason why people hire a VA is to save time and money.

In this article, I am going to show you the easy way to find the best VA for your business and why you should do it as soon as possible.


Some of the links on here are affiliate links and I may earn if you click on them, AT NO EXTRA cost to you. Hope you find the information here useful! Thanks.

Note- If you are super busy and you want to start making money by becoming a virtual assistant, you should check out the following courses that will step up your VA games!

  1. Become a Booked Out Virtual Assistant
  2. 5 Clear Steps To Becoming A Virtual Assistant

What Is A Virtual Assistant For Coaches? 

virtual assistant for health coaches

A virtual assistant for coaches is a virtual assistant who works only with coaches. Yes, it is pretty self-explanatory.

If you still don’t know whether you need a virtual assistant or not ask yourself three questions:

  • Are there tasks that I don’t like doing (and I currently do)?
  • Are there tasks that I am not supposed to be doing (if I want to scale)?
  • Do I have enough budget to hire someone (either as a freelancer or in-house)?

Are you still nodding?

Congrats! You need a VA.

Now let’s look at two types of virtual assistants:

  • General – These VAs take on basic (and sometimes tedious) tasks that will keep your business running such as scheduling appointments or sending follow-up messages.
  • Specialized – These VAs have specific skill sets and carry out more complex projects that have a bigger impact on the bottom line, such as sorting your social media or crafting and sending out email sequences.

How To Find A Virtual Assistant For Your Coaching Business

Whether you are looking for a general or specialized virtual assistant, here are the four main ways you can find the best fit for your business:

  • Job Boards and Freelance Marketplaces
  • Social Media: Facebook Groups, Linkedin and Instagram
  • Virtual assistant companies
  • Referral

Let’s deep dive into each of them.

1. Job Boards And Freelance Marketplaces

The cool thing about freelance marketplaces is that…they are free.

 Well, yes you could pay a fee and benefit from additional features and support, like publishing your job posting, for instance. 

But, if you are on the clock and on a tight budget you could simply reach out to a virtual assistant on one of these platforms and see how it works for you. 

Here are some of the most well-known and trusted platforms for freelancers:

Not quite what you were hoping for? No problem.

If you want it hassle-free and you allocated a budget for the recruiting process you can use one of these jobs boards:

Profit factory is a company that caters for busy entrepreneurs and claims to help those who have these concerns regarding outsourcing and virtual assistants:

  • I can’t let go of control
  • I don’t have the time to train an assistant
  • I don’t have the time to manage them
  • I don’t know where to find them
  • What should I delegate?
  • What should I pay them, and how do I make them profitable?

If that resonates with you and you can afford their service, you can check them out.

2. Social Media

If you have no idea what a virtual assistant profile looks like then read this section carefully.

You must do some research on social media.


Because by taking a look at VAs’online presence you can have an idea of what is out there and what you should be looking for:

Here is a Virtual Assistant Profile sample across different channels:

Let’s dig further.


Facebook groups are the go-to online communities for finding virtual assistant jobs.

Does it sound good? Well, it should.

You can just join a Facebook group, read through the guidelines laid out by the admin (don’t skip this or you will be removed) and create a job posting for free. 

It is as simple as that.

  • To find groups you can go to google and do a boolean search: here is what you should type in the search bar: “virtual assistant” AND Groups
Virtual Assistant Profile sample

Alternatively, you could type ‘virtual assistant groups’ on Facebook and join a few of them. To make it easy for you you can start joining these three groups:

Oh, there are a ton of  Facebook groups for online coaches, too. 

That’s a great way to connect with fellow coaches who may already have hired and trained a VA.

You could also create a job posting and share it with your network if you have a strong organic reach( that means that plenty of people will see your post).

However, it is not likely because the platform favours ads (by the way if you know your way around Facebook ads that could also be a viable option for you).


Virtual Assistant (Pro)

When it comes to organic reach, Linkedin is much better than Facebook, as long as you have at least a few hundred connections.

However you may be thinking : 

‘Nope. I don’t even have a Linkedin account’.

Then type’ Virtual assistant’ in the search bar and filter for the country you are interested in – you may want to work with people who are based in your timezone (or at least with some overlap).

Then, just browse through the best profiles and reach out when you find a good match. For example:

Linkedin is great, especially for its filtering functions.

 In fact, you can even filter for profiles of virtual assistants working in the Professional Training and Coaching Industry.

On top of that you could even create your job posting or have access to more features with their paid membership:

  • Job posting – USD495 for a 30-day listing
  • Linkedin Premium – starting at USD29 per month


Virtual Assistant Profile

If you want to source candidates fresh from their own marketing head over to Instagram, as this is still their main active tool for finding clients.

You have two options:

  • Send them a direct message
  • Create your job advert and publish it in your stories (or posts).

The latter works especially well if you have a few virtual assistants in your network. In case you don’t, you can start following a few of them and some of them will follow you back

3. Virtual Assistant Companies

virtual assistant for coaches

Virtual assistant companies connect virtual assistants to businesses, entrepreneurs and other professionals.

Unlike freelancing platforms, they specialize in virtual assistants.

There are a ton of these kinds of companies out there, but as a coach, you may want to focus only on those which focus on solopreneurs and do not require you to break the bank.

You can read this article where I give a breakdown of a few more virtual assistant companies and make up your mind.

Ok, I want to make it easier for you so, here are the top 3 virtual assistant services for coaches:

1. Zirtual

If you are based in the US, this is the most popular option for coaches.

 This company has a diverse pool of qualified virtual assistants who have passed a very selective hiring process (e.g. they must hold a degree). 

  • Their basic plan starts at USD449 per month for 12 hours of tasks per month (around 40USD per hour).

2. TLC for Coaches

The cool thing about this company is that they offer a service that is tailored to your needs. This option is especially good if you are looking for WordPress maintenance or content creation.

  • Their basic plan starts at USD59 per month (around 30USD per hour).

3. Belay

This company connects businesses and entrepreneurs with specialized virtual assistants and it has a minimum of 10 hours per week.

Bear in mind that their VAs come pre-trained with the computer and basic office skills you need and they are highly productive and expected to complete tasks efficiently.

  • Hourly rates vary from USD34-36 per hour. 

4. Referral

Even if you can’t count on an amazing network you can still find the best virtual assistant for your business through the old good referral channel.

 Here is what you could do:

  • Reach out to VA coaches
  • Reach out to other coaches

Reach Out To VA Coaches 

VA coaches are entrepreneurs who train other people to become a VA and start a successful virtual assistant business – more on this later.

You can find them on Google and reach out via social media. Just tell them what you need and see what happens. You have got nothing to lose.

  • Use Linkedin in case your message has a more formal tone.
  • If you reach out via Instagram don’t forget to display good manners and let them know that you value their time.

Reach Out To Other Coaches 

 Find other coaches in your niche and ask them if they know anyone who can take on certain tasks. 

The good news is that if they refer you to someone, not only will she be trained, but she will also know exactly what your business needs.

Here are a few coaches based in the US:

What Tasks Can A Virtual Assistant For Coaches Do?

Since virtual assistants can work remotely, you can outsource A LOT of tasks that are key to your business growth.

Just to give you an idea you can find a short list of tasks that VAs can do below:

  • Content creation
  • Web Design
  • Social media 
  • Hashtag Research
  • Inbox Management
  • Basic Video Editing
  • Sales Pages
  • Social Media DMs( direct messages)
  • Refunds
  • Admin 
  • Web Analytics and Reporting

Oh, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as I have also compiled a list of 100+ virtual assistant services and put it together in this guide.

Let’s go a step further, shall we?

You must understand that a successful Virtual assistant entrepreneur tends to a specific niche, so that they can create services that revolve around their niche’s problem.

For example, this is what a virtual assistant for health coaches can do for you:

  • Handling Phone Calls – Acts as the first point of contact for all new patients or inquiries
  • File Management – Update patient personal information and organize profile records
  • Calendar Management – Schedule consultations and appointments with patients and send reminders
  • Content Creation – Create guides, ebooks or case studies on specific health topics

Ok, maybe you are looking for a virtual assistant for life coaches or a virtual assistant for creative entrepreneurs ?

It doesn’t matter. You can find the perfect fit for you!

It is just critical that you hire someone who actually gets what your problems and needs are (or at least they are willing to learn if you have time to train them).

Related Posts On Virtual Assistants:

Why Coaches Need A Virtual Assistant?

If you do it yourself, you can save money.

If you started your own business, you might have heard of it at some point in your journey. 

But the truth is, that if you want to grow your business and let other people benefit from your coaching skills you need to land more clients.

Guess what? Virtual assistants can help you do just that and:

  • Save money – You don’t need to hire an in-house employee if you don’t want to.
  • Save time – You can start outsourcing and free up your schedule.
  • Be more productive – You can focus on the more profitable tasks.
  • Have a trustworthy team member – You can count on an extra pair of hands and humble your ego.

Virtual Assistant For Coaches FAQs

virtual assistant for coaches

How Much Does A VA Charge Per Hour?

Cool! Let’s talk money.

Virtual assistants charge anywhere from USD1 to USD100 per hour. Sometimes even more. 

General VAs usually charge USD15 to USD30 per hour while specialized VAs charge USD40-USD75 per hour for more lucrative tasks, such as sales funnels.

What Qualifications Do You Need To Be A Virtual Assistant?

A four-year degree isn’t necessary to become a virtual assistant, but it is a requirement for some virtual assistant companies.

At the end of the day, what you want is someone who can deliver effectively over time. 

Bonus points if they have an online certification.

Is Hiring A Va More Convenient Than Hiring An In-house Employee?

Well, it probably is.

Rates are cheaper in some cases and if you are scared of committing to a contract, VAs are the way to go when it comes to outsourcing.

How Can I Communicate With My Virtual Assistant?

It’s all remote, baby! 

After the initial onboarding process (a Zoom call may be appropriate) email and Instagram DMs will suffice.

If you have a budget and want to be more structured you can use apps such as Slack, but you don’t need to.

What Is A Virtual Assistant Coach? 

As mentioned before a virtual assistant coach, a.k.a. virtual assistant business coach is someone who trains other people to become a VA and start a successful virtual assistant business.

It is a great way for newbies to fast-track their careers and get the skills they need to serve clients effectively.

That’s why reaching out to VA coaches could be a win-win opportunity. 

They find clients for their students and you get to work with a trained effective VA without breaking the bank, as they need to get experience.

Where Can I  Find A Virtual Assistant Coach 

Wanna know how to find a virtual assistant coach?

Just look for virtual assistant coaching and training courses out there. 

They are usually run by successful former VAs who created a large network of VAs that are hungry to learn and can’t wait to get their hands dirty.

Oh, by the way, if you don’t feel like doing research on your own you can check out these two courses:


There you have it!

Whether you are looking for a life coach assistant or for a handstand coach right-hand you now know that you don’t need to do it all yourself.

Start your search, get interviewing and find the support you need to scale your business and have more time for the things that matter to you.

Happy searching!

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