How To Get Paid For Fostering Dogs?And How much?
Do you get paid for fostering dogs? This is a common question that arises amongst many dog foster parents, as taking care of a dog does not come cheap.
Fostering dogs is a great way to help to lessen the burden on your local shelter and help rescue dogs find a forever home.
This act of service is fulfilling regardless of the financial rewards, knowing these dogs are given the chance to live their fullest life!
If you are a dog lover, let me guide you on how you can have the best of both worlds- foster a dog while getting paid!

Whether you are wondering how do you get paid for fostering dogs or looking to understand how fostering a dog works, this article is made for you!
Let’s find out how do you get paid for fostering dogs through different fostering programs and compensation.
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What Does It Mean To Foster A Dog?
Before we dive further on how much do you get paid to foster a dog, let’s understand what it means to foster a dog.
Fostering a dog means you are temporarily taking care of a dog at your home, providing all the care and love as if it is your own pet until the dog finds the right forever home.
Becoming a foster parent is a rewarding experience as you play a vital role in helping lessen the burden of your local rescue animal shelter and help to prepare the foster animal for their adoption.
When fostering a dog, you may be assigned to take care of a dog post-surgery who is in need of a nurturing environment to recover or puppies who are not yet well trained.
Each comes with its own challenges, but the rewarding feeling to see a dog’s recovery will make it all worth it!
Besides fostering dogs from animal shelters, taking care of a dog owner when they are away for a period of time is also considered fostering as the dog will be staying with you until the return of the owner.
Do You Get Paid For Fostering Dogs?
Can you get paid to foster animals? That depends on the type of fostering program. A paid fostering program in the United States usually offers around $20 – $30 a day.
However, most foster programs through an organization are on a voluntary basis.
So if you are wondering how much do you get paid for fostering animals, it is not typically a huge sum, as it is usually to compensate for the expenses of fostering a dog.
Instead, foster programs do offer to cover the expenses to care for the foster dog- including the dog’s medical bill, food, crate, toys, and even training support if necessary.

How Do You Get Paid For Fostering Dogs?
1. Dog Fostering Through Animal Rescue Organization
Fostering dogs through animal rescue organizations is the most common way to get paid to foster dogs.
Dog rescue organizations are mostly non-governmental and are funded by donations. These types of organizations specialize in rescuing specific types of dogs or breeds.
For example, some focus on only rescuing dogs from being euthanized, whereas some rescue specific breeds that are abandoned due to aggressiveness from lack of proper training.
Dog Rescue Organization:
Ace of heart dog Rescue is a dog rescue organization based in LA that rescues large dogs.
Do you get paid to foster a dog at Ace of heart dog rescue? Yes, you do! They offer a small incentive of $50 – $70 a week to foster a dog and cover all expenses needed.
To apply for their fostering program, you can send an email at including details about your experience with dogs and your current living situation (job hours, family pets, etc).
2. Dog Fostering Through Animal Shelter
Animal shelters provide the facility for abandoned animals to seek refuge and they cater to a wide range of animals- although some are dedicated solely to specific animals such as cats and dogs.
Most animal shelters are operated with a combination of government support and donations from the local community.
Their facilities tend to get overwhelmed with animal rescues and this is where fostering programs help to open up more space to provide temporary shelters for more rescued animals.
Animal Shelter Organization:
Brandywine Valley SPCA is an animal shelter based in Pennsylvania that rescues dogs and cats.
They were the first no-kill shelter in Pennsylvania and have rescued over 18,000+ animals per year.
Their foster program allows you to give a temporary loving home without a long-term commitment.
Do you get pay to foster a dog from BVSPCA? Although you don’t get paid to foster a dog from BVSPCA, they do cover all expenses necessary to ease financial burden while fostering, including medical support, food, crate, veterinary care and more.
3. Private Dog Fostering Arrangement
Private Dog fostering occurs directly with the dog owner rather than through an organization.
The advantage of a private arrangement is that the financial compensation is more as you can directly negotiate with the dog’s owner.
How much do you get paid to foster animals privately? You can expect a foster fee around $300 a month or more, depending on the foster arrangement with the owner.
There are many life circumstances that may lead a dog owner needing temporary foster care for dogs.
For example, a private fostering arrangement is needed when the dog’s owner is away for a long period of time or a family with a newborn baby who needs time to adjust to their new routine.
In either scenario, private fostering is a better alternative to help give their dog undivided care and attention until the owner returns.
The best way to foster privately is by networking with dog owners around your neighborhood and letting them know you are available for fostering if needed.

Photo by Blue Bird
How To Become A Dog Foster Carer
If you are interested in fostering a dog and wondering how to become a dog foster parent, here are some general requirements for foster programs.
Do keep in mind each foster program will have its procedure and checklist. It is best to directly contact your local animal shelter or look up online for “fostering dogs near me”.
General requirements for fostering a dog:
- Must be 18 years old minimum (Depending on each state)
- Have adequate living space to accommodate a dog comfortably.
- Compatibility with other pets if you have an existing pet at home.
- Willing to bring a foster dog to regular veterinary check-ups and attend appointments.
- Willing to update the foster program about your foster dog’s progress and make a return visit.
- Be able to keep in touch with potential adopters within 48 hours to arrange a meeting.
Cost To Foster A Dog
Fostering a dog is FREE! Typically all the expenses are covered by the rescue group. However, if you want to treat your foster dog with a more nutritious diet or treats, it can cost you around $50 per month.
Dog fostering is an act of voluntary service; no fees are expected by the foster parents. This is the perks of fostering a dog, ideal for someone who is not ready to be a full-time dog parent but loves spending time with dogs without the financial burden.
If you are interested in learning how do dog fosters get paid, keep on reading for some tips on how you can earn some side hustle while dog fostering!
How To Earn Extra Income While Fostering Dogs
Dog fostering is not a lucrative way to make a living, and you do it because it is rewarding and you genuinely care for them.
However, there are many ways to earn some side hustle that are dog related as you have a strong understanding of the dog market and their needs.
If you are still wondering how do foster dog parents get paid, here are some creative ways you can earn some extra income while fostering a dog:
1. Dog Walking Service
Dog walking service is a great way to earn some extra income. Dog walkers can earn between $20 – $30 for a 30 minute dog walking service in the United States.
This service is favorable amongst working dog parents who don’t have time to walk their dog.
2. Dog Training Service
Do you have the talent or experience in dog training? Dog training service is a huge market opportunity to earn an income.
The average salary for a dog trainer in the United States is between $30,000 – $100,000 per year!

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko
3. Dog Grooming
Dog grooming is a service that is always in demand as dogs will always need a good groom!
This industry may have a few competitors but, with proper training and certification, it will boost your credibility to your customer as they want the best for their precious dog.
An average dog groomer earns between $25 – $30 per hour.
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4. Make home-made Doggie Treats
Dog treats are easy to make and it is a great way to earn some extra income while fostering a dog.
It requires minimal cost to get started and there are over 70 million potential customer base in the USA alone! Customers are willing to pay an average of $11 per pack for a dog treat.
If starting a dog treat business is something you are interested in, check out my complete guide on how to start a dog treat business!
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5. Become a Pet Photographer
Do you have a camera at home or have a talent for photography? Why not offer a pet photoshoot session. Amateur photographers charge as little as $250 to $500 per session.
To get started, build a portfolio of dog photography and start promoting online or advertise at your local veterinarian!

Photo by Veronica
6. Make Dog costume
Any pet owner couldn’t resist an adorable costume for their pet, especially during the Halloween season!
This is a great side hustle if you are a crafty person and know how to sew a costume. Depending on the detail of the dog costume, customers are willing to pay anywhere between $10 – $45.
7. Pet sitting
Get paid to hang out with adorable animals? Yes, sign me up! Pet sitting services in the United States earn an average of $14.36 an hour. This is an easy-going side hustle with great flexibility. This is also a great way to gain more experience in caring for various dog breeds, which can benefit you greatly in your fostering journey later.
8. Drive Pets to Appointment (Pet Taxi)
Believe it or not, there is a demand for a pet taxi service. Pet Taxi helps to drive pets to appointments without their owner- such as to the vet, dog daycare, or grooming place.
A Pet Transport Driver in the United States earns around $650 a week.

Photo by Samson Katt
Benefits of Fostering a Dog
1. Contribution To Saving a Dog’s Live
Fostering is a kind act that has a significant impact on each rescue dog’s life.
By opening your home and heart to foster a dog, you help to create a safe space for a dog to overcome any trauma they may have experienced.
2. A Furry Buddy Companion
The best part about fostering a dog is the companionship of a furry-loving creature. Dogs are incredibly loyal and loving, and it will instantly lift your mood and make your home feel livelier.
Even though the fostering period is short, you get to witness the positive transformation of a dog thriving under nurturing care and loving environment.
3. Spread Awareness About Dog Adoption
By fostering a dog, you play an essential role in advocating for dog adoption within your community.
Your friends and family get to witness firsthand the benefits of adopting a dog. This will boost the awareness about the importance of dog adoption and help to rehome countless dogs waiting at the local shelter.

Things To Consider Before You Foster A Dog
Fostering a dog is a commitment and here are some important factors to consider before you decide to foster a dog:
1. Time
Make sure you have the time to care for a dog. Just like taking care of a child, a foster dog needs the right amount of care and attention.
You need to walk it, play with it, feed it, clean it and bring it to a necessary appointment. All these routines will impact your day-to-day schedule, so be sure to first check if you have the availability to do so.
2. The Right Space For a Dog
Ideally, your living space should be big enough for a dog to move around. If you are living in an apartment, consider the noise situation, as dogs may sometimes bark at the most random hour.
It is best to inform your neighbor in advance so they are so sympathetic when it occurs.
3. Prepare For Emotional Attachments
This is probably the hardest part about fostering a dog. Even though your fostering period is short, you will build a connection with your foster dog.
While saying goodbye can be bittersweet when the foster dog is adopted, remember that you have done a great job to make that happen and helped the dog to smoothly adapt to its new forever home.

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FAQs on Do You Get Paid For Fostering Dogs
Do You Get Paid For Fostering Dogs?
So, do you get paid for fostering dogs? Some animal rescue organizations offer a small fee weekly or monthly to foster dogs that require extra attention, including those with medical issues that need a safe space to recover or pets that are harder to be placed due to stress.
However, most dog foster programs are voluntary, with the cost of fostering compensated, including the cover of medical costs, food, crate, and necessary training support.
How Do You Foster A Dog In The US?
How Do You Foster A Dog In The US? To foster a dog in the US, you can find a rescue group or any local animal shelter near you. Each animal rescue organization usually encourages fostering and has its own fostering application and process.
Do You Get Paid To Foster Dogs UK?
Do you get paid to foster dogs in the UK? Fostering a dog is mostly unpaid and there are no fees to pay and as fostering is a volunteer role. In return, all foster programs will cover all the costs necessary for the foster dog, so fosterers can help to foster without financial burden.
What Is The Longest You Can Foster A Dog?
What is the longest you can foster a dog? The average stay to foster a dog at home can be between a few weeks to about 2 months. The length of fostering varies based on specific arrangements with the foster program.
Some foster care is only for a short period for specific care, such as helping a dog to recover from injury or surgery, while some arrangements are intended until the dog finds a permanent home through adoption.
When You Foster A Dog Who Pays Vet Bills?
When you foster a dog, who pays for the vet bills? Typically the animal rescue or shelter of the fostering program covers any vet bills for the foster dog. Some shelters or animal rescues have established partnerships with certain veterinary clinics or even an in-house veterinary.
Do You Have To Pay To Foster a Dog?
Do you have to pay to foster a dog? Absolutely no! One of the benefits of fostering a dog is that all costs are covered without having you spend any additional fees. As dog fostering is a voluntary role, a dog rescue organization will supply all the necessities you need to foster a dog.
Are you ready to foster a dog? If YES, time to search for a local fostering program near you and find out how do you get paid for fostering dogs for them!
Before fostering a dog, be sure you are aware of your responsibility as foster dog care. Even though you can get paid to foster dogs, the dog’s life you can save is priceless!
Regardless of compensation, a paid fostering program is not sufficient to be a full time-job. The payment is mostly to compensate for fostering dog care.
It takes real dedication to become a dog foster parent, because you play a vital role in helping the dog to find a forever home! Good luck and thank you for fostering a dog in need!
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