transcriptionist tools

Transcriptionist Tools That Will Save You Time And Money

Transcriptionist Tools That Will Save You Time And Money

Are you looking for all the best transcriptionist tools? 

If you are just starting out in your journey of becoming a transcriptionist or you’re scoping out the field before diving in,then pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of tea, and don’t forget the biscuits.

Not only will we go over transcriptionist tools you’ll need to make transcribing easier and more efficient but I’ll also tell you about one secret tool that could really help you up your game. 

That’s not all -I’ll also show you where to find the best transcription jobs online

Intrigued? Let’s have a look at the list transcriptionist tools that will make your job easier.

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All the Best Transcriptionist Tools

Have you heard the saying, “An artist is only as good as his tools?” 

You can be an exceptional transcriptionist but if your equipment is not up to par, you run the risk of losing valuable time and money. 

Invest in yourself and some of these transcriptionist tools:

  • A computer or laptop
  • Comfortable headphones
  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • Ergonomic keyboard
  • Ergonomically designed chair
  • Foot pedal
  • Word processing software
  • Speech recognition software
  • Express Scribe
  • Industry specific manuals
  • Text expander
  • File converting software
  • DFX Audio
  • Freemake video converter
  • Freemake audio converter
  • WinZip
  • Grammarly
  • The secret tool

1. A Computer Or Laptop

How to become a transcriptionist from home? 

If you have a laptop or computer, you are already well on your way and can cross one thing off your list of transcriptionist tools.

The first (and most important) transcription tool that you need is a computer or laptop. 

Laptops are great for convenience as they are easy to transport but desktops generally last longer and can be upgraded easily. 

Depending on your personal preference, you can use either as long as it’s able to run the programs you need and play audio, you are set.

2. Comfortable Headphones

You could listen to the audio files straight from your speaker but if you’re looking to get serious about transcription, the next transcription tool you need is a good pair of headphones.

 You will be working with difficult audio files and a good set of headphones will ensure that you detect the words more accurately -an ordinary pair of headphones will not suffice.

3. Noise – Canceling Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones are the next thing on our list of transcriptionist tools. 

You could be working in a disruptive environment or just a noisy one, with high-quality noise-cancelin

g headphones, you can frown out the world, focus on the audio, and listen intently to the dictation.  

4.Ergonomic Keyboard

You’ve got those sought after transcriptionist skills but you also have the less desirable side effect of an online job that requires typing: wrist or forearm pain.

 How can we avoid this? 

With an ergonomic keyboard. An ergonomic keyboard is a computer keyboard designed with ergonomic considerations to minimize muscle strain and other related problems.

5. Ergonomically Designed Chair

Another important item on our list of transcriptionist tools is an ergonomic chair. 

It gives your back and neck support as you transcribe.  Sitting in front of a computer all day can affect your posture. 

It may seem trivial but a bad seat will harm your back and can increase the risks of developing cardiovascular complications. 

What are the qualities of an ergonomic chair?

  • It follows the natural shape of your back
  • The height is adjustable
  • It has comfortable armrests that prevent your arms from hanging in the air 
  • The seat is padded (so you don’t get numb)
  • It extends up to your neck and offers crucial support

6.Foot Pedal

A must-have item on our list of transcriptionist tools is a foot pedal.

 A foot pedal helps you play, pause, rewind, and fast forward the audio while you are typing. 

You only have one pair of hands, and going back and forth between the audio file and your document, just to pause and play the audio can shave off valuable time. 

A well-known and trusted foot pedal in the world of transcribing is the Infinity USB Digital Foot Control with Computer plug (IN-USB2).

7.Word Processing Software

Open source transcription software doesn’t have to be pricey. 

If you have MS Word or even Google Docs, you’re all covered in this section. If you want a more professional program, you can purchase WordPerfect. It costs $249.99 for the full version but it’s basically a word processing application.

8.Speech Recognition Software

Want to know how to save time while transcribing? Then look no further, automatic transcription software is your friend. 

Speech can be converted into text format with software. Think Siri.

 By using speech-to-text software, you could generate an entire transcript and save precious time typing and work on editing the document accurately.

9.Amazon Transcribe

Price:  Free trial and payment

Visit Amazon Transcribe’s pricing page here to see the rates

Amazon Transcribe is a software that helps you automate the transcription of audio files. The sign-up is free for the first 60 audio minutes monthly, for the first 12 months. 

After this, you’ll have to pay the package price based on the seconds of audio transcribed per month.

10.Express Scribe

Price: Free and Paid

Express Scribe is a well-known transcription tool and one should have in your arsenal of transcriptionist tools. 

It’s an audio player specifically designed for transcribers and it is made to be compatible with keyboard shortcuts and is a transcription software with foot pedal compatibility.  

There is a free and a paid version. 

The free version supports home and small business license permit, foot pedals, DCT dictation, and allows all major file formats. 

The paid version is $60 and offers everything the free version does and more. 

It has additional bonuses like technical support and additional file formats such as AVI, WMV, and MOV, to name a few.

11.Manuals Which Are Industry-Specific

Some companies you apply to will make you sit for a transcriptionist test. 

If you are considering joining the world of transcription, it could be a good idea to brush up on the jargon and terms of the industry.

12.Text Expander

A text expander allows you to assign codes or keys for long phrases that you may need to use repeatedly throughout the document. 

It’s a real time saver and will make your job easier.

13.File Converting Software

Let’s say you have the document saved as a Word document but the client wants the file in a different format.

Having a file converting software on hand ensures that you’re able to deliver your file in the right format and can do so with ease.

14.DFX Audio

Price: Free

As a transcriptionist, you may deal with audio files that have terrible sound quality and sometimes you may even be asked to improve the quality of the audio file. 

This is where softwares like DFX Audio Enhancer come in. It’s a tool for improving audio quality. 

With DFX studio, you can reduce background noise, increase the volume of the file, and make the audio file clearer. Beats paying Adobe Audition

15.Freemake Video Converter

Price: Free

Another helpful tool to have as a transcriptionist is a video transcription tool.

Sometimes, clients will send you video files, not ideal, but Freemake Video Converter is a software that helps you convert one video format to another. 

This means you can change the file format and even convert video into audio, making it easier to work with. 

16.Freemake Audio Converter

Price: Free

From the creators of Freemake Video Converter, you have Freemake Audio Converter as well. 

This tool helps you convert audio files from one format to another. 

This is vital because some audio file formats work on certain devices but refuse to work on other programs or devices. Freemake Audio Converter allows you to convert your files to over 50 formats. 


Price: Free or Paid

Paid: $29.95 WinZip 17 Standard

It might seem like a small thing to have but personally, I think WinZip is mandatory software to have on your computer or laptop. 

With WinZip, you can compress files into a smaller size and a single folder. 

You might need to compress files that are too large or you may not but you will need this software to “unzip” any  Zip files your client sends you.


Price: Free and Paid

Paid: $29.95 monthly 

Good grammar is essential for any written document. Having a tool like Grammarly is an easy way to make sure you’re not making grammatical errors and if you are, which ones that need correcting. 

Grammarly is one of the leading grammar-checker software today. 

Everyone from transcribers, editors, teachers, writers, and professionals use it -it is particularly helpful to correct mistakes if you’ve used a speech-to-text software to convert audio to text.

19.Transcription Course(s)

Remember how I mentioned one secret tool that will up your game? 

In my opinion, the best tool in the toolbox is knowledge. When you enroll in a Transcriptionist school like Transcribe Anywhere, you stand to increase your transcriptionist rates because you can back your skill with a certificate. 

That make’s you a certified professional. 

Transcribe Anywhere guarantees that “You can learn to transcribe with excellence, and you can do it from anywhere,” with their program.

They offer a general transcription course as well as a legal transcription course. You can opt for a paid or free version for either course.

Let’s have a look at the general transcription courses:

General Transcription : Theory & Practice

Price: $597

Certification: Yes

This is an all inclusive online course specifically designed for those interested in general transcription.

It teaches you everything you need to learn about transcription, how to become a standout transcriptionist, and most importantly, a transcriptionist that actually gets hired. 

Here’s what you learn in this course:

  • Where to find the best deal on equipment
  • Shortcut keys and how to use them

Bonus: printables are included

  • A downloadable template of the transcription style guide 
  • Video tutorials on software, time coding, and more
  • How to find work 
  • How to find higher-paying work as an independent contractor
  • 7 levels of practice dictations 
  • lifetime access to all course material and future updates
  • lifetime access to our student support forum on Facebook

7-Lesson Mini-Course with Janet Shaughnessy 

Price: Free

Certification: No 

Alternatively, the free 7-lesson mini-course taught by Janet Shaughnessy, the founder of Transcribe Anywhere, will teach a few things about being a transcriptionist. 

It is important to mention that the free courses are not a substitute for the paid course.

 They simply give an overview of the industry and includes inside information to help you decide whether or not you want to pursue transcription as a career. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Lesson 1: Learn about the Founder 
  • Lesson 2: Who uses transcriptionists, what it takes to become one, and the two keys to success
  • Lesson 3: Transcription myths busted
  • Lesson 4: 10 signs you’re not suited to be a transcriptionist 
  • Lesson 5: How much can you earn as a transcriptionist? 
  • Lesson 6: Where does transcription work come from?
  • Lesson 7: What do you need to get started

If you are looking for something more specific like a legal transcription course, have a look at Transcribe Anywhere’s legal transcription course.

Legal Transcription: Theory & Practice

Price: $897

Certification: Yes 

You will learn everything covered in the general transcription course and more. 

Here are the added bonuses when you purchase this course:

  • 14 training modules 
  • Practice speed and accuracy typing drills
  • A glossary of over 100 pages of legal terminology in both English and Latin (download available)
  • Abbreviations, capitalization, and punctuation for the legal transcriptionist
  • Definitions and descriptions of types of law and the legal process
  • 10 levels of practice dictations

Best Transcription Jobs 

Now you know where to buy the tools you’ll need as a transcriptionist, the next question is “where do transcriptionists work?” 

If you’re looking for the best companies to work for as a transcriptionist and a bit more, I have two in-depth articles to help you:

Related Posts on Transcription Training: 


Who knew there were such a variety of transcriptionist tools out there? 

Whether you’re looking for the best ergonomic equipment or you’re looking for tools to make your job as a transcriptionist easier, there are plenty of transcriptionist tools for you to explore out there.

Have a look, shop around, and figure out which one works best for you. 

Transcriptionist Tools That Will Save You Time And Money

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