Upwork Vs Fiverr: What’s Best For Biz Owners & Freelancers? 
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Upwork Vs Fiverr: What’s Best For Biz Owners & Freelancers? 

You’ve probably landed here because you’ve searched ‘Upwork vs Fiverr’ and you’re curious as to which platform is better for you as a freelancer and as an employer. Both platforms are well-established marketplaces for both freelancers and employers, and given their popularity, both definitely have their pros. But what about their cons and what are…

Upwork Fees: How To Reduce Upwork Fees By 10%?
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Upwork Fees: How To Reduce Upwork Fees By 10%?

Are you one of those who absolutely adores Upwork for the clients and work but hate the Upwork fees? We’re in the same boat! Upwork is an amazing platform that has helped me and many of those in my community find freelance jobs, but one of the downsides is that Upwork fees for freelancers aren’t…

Upwork vs Toptal: Which Is Best For Freelancers? (2023 Guide)
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Upwork vs Toptal: Which Is Best For Freelancers? (2023 Guide)

Upwork vs Toptal, the battle of the best freelancing marketplace continues through multiple debates and reviews from both freelancers and businesses alike.  But which one is right for you?  I know you are trying to decide which platform has the best clients, which takes the fees, and which platforms are the ones where you are…

29 Sites Like Upwork [That I Use Myself!] 2023
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29 Sites Like Upwork [That I Use Myself!] 2023

Are you looking for sites like Upwork to take your freelancing career to the next level? Just like yourself, I once scoured through Upwork, searching high and low for freelancing opportunities, trying to earn a decent income with my freelancing gig.  Unfortunately, I had to complete multiple low-paying jobs on the site to start ranking…

9 Upwork Scams: How To Spot & Avoid Them?[2023 Update]
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9 Upwork Scams: How To Spot & Avoid Them?[2023 Update]

Upwork scams are unfortunately spreading like a plague among hardworking freelancers, like us. I have heard from many of my freelance writer friends who claim they were left stranded after a client on Upwork disappeared once they handed in their work.  In fact, I got scammed too! O_O Yeap,  you read that right. I was…

Is Upwork Worth It In 2023? [My Personal Experience!]
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Is Upwork Worth It In 2023? [My Personal Experience!]

Is Upwork Worth It? Is Upwork Good?  Are these questions running through your mind as you are starting out your freelancing journey just like they did when I started mine?  I remember when I just started out as a freelance writer and was bombarded with loads of information on Upwork, because it seemed to be…

Upwork Vs Freelancer: Which Platform Is Best?[2023]
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Upwork Vs Freelancer: Which Platform Is Best?[2023]

When you’re trying to choose between Upwork vs Freelancer as a platform of choice, there might be many factors pulling you towards each side.  You might be more familiar with one site or the other in your freelancing journey, whether it’s Upwork or Freelancer.  But one thing’s for sure is that both Upwork and Freelancer…

Upwork Test Answers: Ace The Test With Flying Colours! (2023)
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Upwork Test Answers: Ace The Test With Flying Colours! (2023)

Do you want to know the Upwork test answers? This article has got you covered on Upwork readiness test answers. So, you have just joined Upwork and you are looking to ace the test so that you can move on to securing clients for your freelance gig.  Now, do not start getting nervous thinking you…

15 Upwork Tips For Beginners [Personal Experience!]
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15 Upwork Tips For Beginners [Personal Experience!]

Are you looking for the best Upwork tips for beginners? When I first started out with freelancing, I was lost as to where to find any freelancing jobs and that’s when I learned about Upwork! Upwork is a huge freelancing platform and its user and client bases are expanding quickly.  It is understandable why us…

How To Become A Freelance Copywriter [ + Boost Your Writing Income!]

How To Become A Freelance Copywriter [ + Boost Your Writing Income!]

Do you want to know how to become a freelance copywriter even without any experience or a portfolio? There has been an increasing number of people asking me how to become a freelance copywriter in private messages and emails, so I decided to come up with a blog post detailing the exact process, plus tips!…